Palatines to America (PalAm) is a German Genealogy Society that helps its members and other genealogists find information about their German-speaking immigrant ancestors. My immigrant ancestor left Rhineland-Pfalz in 1709 and arrived in New York in 1710. However, PalAm is a Society for not only those who have immigrant ancestors who came to America in the early part of the Eighteenth Century, but also those from areas surrounding and near present-day Germany. We can also assist people to find ancestors who immigrated to America in the 19th and 20th centuries. Our goal is to assist our members in their genealogy research of German-speaking people
PalAm has a National Organization and State Chapters. Currently, there are Chapters in Colorado, Indiana, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. It is possible for PalAm members to join more than one State Chapter. PalAm hosts a National Conference in even numbered years. In odd numbered years, PalAm supports a partner organization, the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP), with their national conference. | The members of the PalAm Board of Directors, which includes the six Chapter Presidents, and I are committed to helping our members with their genealogy research. PalAm offers a unique combination of avenues to provide that help. They include Online resources, Publications, and Society/Chapter activities that will help our members with their research. Online resources can be found here at our National Website. These resources include an Immigrant Ancestor Registry, Ancestor Charts, Ancestral Churches, Kocherthal Circle, and an Interactive Map (under development). |
If you are presently a member of PalAm, please take advantage of the many resources and opportunities to further your personal research. If you are not yet a member, consider the many positive things happening in PalAm, and join our Society. In either case, I encourage you to volunteer and become involved, perhaps even serve on one of the National or State Chapter committees; both you and PalAm will benefit. Also, please consider making a donation to PalAm; it will help fund German genealogy research. |