The National Genealogical Society is the oldest genealogical organization in America, having been founded in 1903. NGS published the first national genealogical journal and is a leader in genealogical education. Today, NGS has over 10,000 members and has its headquarters in Falls Creek, VA. NGS makes many resources available to society members including knowledge and information resources, templates, checklists, guides, and tools that are viewable on their website or downloadable. NGS also offers organization members resources that strengthen an organization’s governance, improve operations and management, and supplement the programs and services the society offers its members.
| Palatines to America is a member of the National Genealogical Society. As such we have two primary contacts with NGS―an administrator and a delegate. The current Palatines to America NGS administrator is Janet Rupert. The administrator is the person assigned to manage our membership with NGS. This can include updating the delegate’s name, maintaining contact information in the NGS database, and logging in to the website to access resources or pay dues. The current Palatines to America NGS delegate is Kent Robinson. The delegate serves as our official representative to NGS. The delegate shares information from NGS with our society, casts our society’s votes for the Board of Directors, has the ability to bring society needs and ideas to NGS, and is a member of the Delegate Council. The Delegate Council is an advisory body within NGS that meets virtually on a quarterly basis and in person annually at the NGS Family History Conference. |
For more information about the National Genealogical Society