THE ANCESTOR CHART PROJECT is a compilation of standard four or five-generation pedigree charts that have been submitted by Palatines to America members since 1977. They provide information about their ancestors as far back as known by their research. They would typically include dates and places of birth, marriage, and death; however, all of that information was not always known for each ancestor. Since these are basic pedigree charts they do not include any source citations. However, if they indicate locations in Germany for an individual who is also your ancestor or indicate information about earlier generations, they could be prove to be quite beneficial as clues to further your own research.
Currently there are around 130,000 names in the Ancestor Charts Project. The Ancestor Chart Project collection of consists of over 90 four-inch 3-ring binders. Currently there are over 130,000 names in the project. The all name indexes listed below show names listed in charts by the first letter of the surname. You may click on a letter and scroll through the index file or use the find feature [Ctl-F (PC) or Apple-F (iOS)] to locate a name. Be sure to search for name variants. ![]() The first Ahnentafel, published by Michaël Eytzinger in : Thesaurus principum hac aetate in Europa viventium, Cologne (Germany) : 1590 | The charts are only available to members The charts themselves are available to members only. Members who find a name listed that could be one of your German-speaking ancestors may request copies of the indicated charts at no charge. Instructions and forms can be found in the Members Only section.
The indexes listed below show names listed in charts by the first letter of the surname. You can scroll through the file or use the find feature to locate a name: Ctl-F (PC) or Apple-F (iOS). Be sure to search for all variations of spellings of your ancestral surname, especially if it might include umlauts. |